The new year brought about too challenges in looking at some of the things I do daily from a different perspective. It was about at that time too, that I came across this great book called Grit written by Angela Duckworth. Some contents of that book seems to be speaking to me directly and forced me to look back at my own history in some areas with the harsh light of truth. Sometimes or most often than not stuck in the throes of your own self righteousness of what things you feel that you have been wronged or those who have wronged you, your blinders does not allow you to see the whole truth, or I guess self preservation distorts the truth for you so that you can still get out of bed each day and champion another day of tilting at your windmills.
Some chapters of this book is like a balm or the soothing syrup to the hoarse voice that cries out in my head that I should be constantly jumping around and looking for the next best thing. The voices have died down to a degree until you can say I am only "semi looking" for a good thing now, as in only if something really good comes along I will try out for it. Thinking ahead I would rather leave behind regrets for things I have really gave a good shot to that I failed rather than all half tries which have still lingering hopes in there that I could have triumphed or prevailed if I had stuck to it longer of tried that last great idea I had before I got struck down by the powers that be. Talking about the "powers that be" I think too that I might have been hiding too long behind being mistreated in my jobs or stuck in a job where I was helpless to make a change. I bailed just before things got bad or more accurately before my ideas had time to get bad.
I am going to steer and commandeer this one until I get some results be good or bad to see where it takes me this time. I don't want to leave a legacy of half tried ideas behind. For those of you that want to give this great book a try, you can find the book here, full disclosure it's an affiliate link:
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Will tell you more about this book in my upcoming posts.
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