Hello and welcome back to this Forex application project. After all the hard work in the previous chapter we will go lightly in this chapter by tidying up the user interface of this Forex application. We will include an icon for this application on the application window plus edit the background color and the padding of the tkinter’s widget accordingly. Below is the edit version of this application.
from coinbase.wallet.client import Client import json from tkinter import * import tkinter.ttk as tk win = Tk() # Create tk instance win.title("Real CryptoGeek") # Add a title win.resizable(0, 0) # Disable resizing the GUI win.configure(background='white') # change background color selectorFrame = Frame(win, background="white") # create a button frame selectorFrame.pack(anchor = "nw", pady = 2, padx=10) currency_label = Label(selectorFrame, text = "Select currency pair :", background="white") currency_label.pack(anchor="w") # the currency pair label # Create a combo box for currency pair select_currency = StringVar() # create a string variable preferPaired = tk.Combobox(selectorFrame, textvariable=select_currency) preferPaired.pack(side = LEFT, padx=3) s = StringVar() # change text currencyFrame = Frame(win) # create currency frame currencyFrame.pack(side=TOP) currency = Label(currencyFrame) currency.pack() text_widget = Text(currency, fg='white', background='black') text_widget.pack() s.set("Click the below button to find out the currency exchange rate") text_widget.insert(END, s.get()) buttonFrame = Frame(win) # create a button frame buttonFrame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill=X, pady = 6) def search_currency(): countVar = StringVar() text_widget.tag_remove("search", "1.0", "end") # cleared the hightlighted currency pair if(preferPaired.get() != ''): pos = text_widget.search(preferPaired.get(), "1.0", stopindex="end", count=countVar) text_widget.tag_configure("search", background="green") new_pos = float(pos) + float(0.7) text_widget.tag_add("search", pos, str(new_pos)) #highlighted the background of the searched currency pair pos = float(pos) + 2.0 text_widget.see(str(pos)) action_search = tk.Button(selectorFrame, text="Search", command=search_currency) # find out the exchange rate of bitcoin action_search.pack(side=LEFT) def get_exchange_rate(): f = open("coin.txt", "r") api_key = f.readline() api_secret = f.readline() f.close() sell_buy = '' api_key = api_key.replace('\n', '') api_secret = api_secret.replace('\n', '') try: client = Client(api_key, api_secret) market_currencies_o = client.get_exchange_rates() market_currencies_s = json.dumps(market_currencies_o) exchange_rate = json.loads(market_currencies_s) supported_currency = client.get_currencies() # get all the available currencies from coinbase exchange_rate_s = json.loads(json.dumps(supported_currency)) except: print("An exception occurred") exchange_name_dict = dict() for key in exchange_rate_s['data']: id = key['id'] name = key['name'] obj_currency = {id:name} exchange_name_dict.update(obj_currency) count = 0 found = False curr = tuple() # the tuple which will be populated by currency pairs for key in exchange_rate['rates']: count += 1 c_st = exchange_rate['currency'] + "/" + key curr = curr + (c_st,) # add the currency pairs for e_key in exchange_name_dict: if(e_key == key): sell_buy += str(count) + ".) Pair : " + exchange_rate['currency'] + "/" + key + " (" + exchange_name_dict[e_key] + ") : " + \ exchange_rate['rates'][key] + '\n' found = True break if(found == False): sell_buy += str(count) + ".) Pair : " + exchange_rate['currency'] + "/" + key + " : " + \ exchange_rate['rates'][key] + '\n' else: found = False preferPaired['values'] = curr preferPaired.current(0) # select item one text_widget.delete('1.0', END) # clear all those previous text first s.set(sell_buy) text_widget.insert(INSERT, s.get()) action_vid = tk.Button(buttonFrame, text="Find", command=get_exchange_rate) # find out the exchange rate of currency pair action_vid.pack() win.iconbitmap(r'ico.ico') win.mainloop()
Below is the outcome, in the next chapter we will wrap up this project by introducing the method to look up the exchange rate of different currency pair.
In order to develop this Forex application you will need to create a free account on Coinbase to get the API key and secret, you can sign up a free Coinbase account through this link.
If you would like to support the continue development of this project, do consider to donate to this website through the donation form situated on the sidebar of this website.
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