Tuesday, February 26, 2019

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #357 (Feb. 26, 2019)

#357 – FEBRUARY 26, 2019
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Reading and Writing Files in Python (Guide)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about reading and writing files in Python. You’ll cover everything from what a file is made up of to which libraries can help you along that way. You’ll also take a look at some basic scenarios of file usage as well as some advanced techniques.

PyCascades 2019 Conference Recordings

The video recordings for Day 1 and Day 2 are available on YouTube. I had a blast at the conference, see you all again next year! :)

Find a Python Job Through Vettery


Vettery specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers. Interested? Submit your profile, and if accepted, you can receive interview requests directly from top companies seeking Python devs. Get started →
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Happy (Belated) Birthday, Python!

On February 20, 1991 Guido published the first public release of Python (version 0.9.0) on the alt.sources newsgroup. Happy Birthday!

CPython 3.8.0a2 Released

This is the second alpha release of Python 3.8. One major new feature is shared memory for multiprocessing, which will bring speed ups for multi-core workloads.

Famous Laws of Software Development

Like any other field, the world of software development has some interesting and famous rules, principles and laws. Fun afternoon read over a cup of coffee.

Python vs Java: The Programming Language Fight for Dominance

Java and Python both have become a programming language of choice. However, both have their strong and weak points. Which one should you choose?
TAPAN VORA • Shared by Harsh Binani

Even a Feature That You Do Not Use Can Bite You

“Let’s have a look at a simple piece of Python code that I have both accidentally written and seen in code reviews which does an entirely different thing than expected.”

Data Elixir: Data Science Newsletter

Data Elixir is an email newsletter that keeps you on top of the tools and trends in Data Science. Curated weekly with top picks from around the web.

How to Write a Python Web Framework

Sometimes it’s fun to reinvent the wheel! Learn how to write your own Python web framework just like Flask and Django. Part 2 is here.


Python Jobs

Sr Enterprise Python Developer (Toronto, Canada)


Senior Systems Engineer (Hamilton, Canada)


Python Web Developer (Remote)

Premiere Digital Services

Software Developer (Herndon, VA)


Tech Lead / Senior Software Engineer (Seattle, WA)

Indeed.com Incubator

Python Software Engineer (London, UK)

Pole Star Space Applications Ltd.

Senior Engineer Python (Winterthur, Switzerland)


Computer Science Teacher (Pasadena, CA)

ArtCenter College of Design

Senior Python Engineer (New York, NY)


Software Engineer (Herndon, VA)

Charon Technologies

Web UI Developer (Herndon, VA)

Charon Technologies

More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Django ORM Optimization Story

A step-by-step optimization story of how Peter optimized a Django ORM query for speed. Some good tips to be had if you’re starting out with Django!

Let’s Talk About Data Structures in Python

Discusses the most important data structures in Python. How they work, when to use them and how to use them. Also covers a little bit of Big-O notation which helps to describe effectiveness of algorithms and data structures.
DENIS OREHOVSKY • Shared by Denis Orehovsky

Python Opportunities Come to You on Indeed Prime


Indeed prime is a hiring platform exclusively for tech talent like you. If you’re accepted, we’ll match you with companies and roles that line up with your skills, career goals and salary expectations. Apply for free today.
INDEED sponsor

What the Mock? A Cheatsheet for Mocking in Python

An introduction and cheatsheet for using unittest.mock in Python.

Hunting for Memory Leaks in Python Applications

How to profile memory usage across time in your Python apps in order to find and fix memory leaks.

Forecasting in Python With Prophet

A guided walkthrough of how to use the Prophet Python library to solve a common forecasting problem.

Skipping Tests Depending on the Python Version

Short and sweet unittest tip on how you can run certain tests only on a specific version of Python.

Sorting and Merging Single Linked List

Learn how to how to sort a custom linked list implementation in Python using bubble and merge sort, and how to merge two sorted linked lists.

B&W Image Colorization With OpenCV and Deep Learning

In this guide, you will learn how to colorize black and white images using OpenCV, Deep Learning, and Python.

The CPython Bytecode Compiler Is Dumb

“One fact has become quite apparent: the CPython bytecode compiler is pretty dumb. With a few exceptions, it’s a very literal translation of a Python program, and there is almost no optimization.”

Mentored Sprints for Diverse Beginners at PyCon 2019

Mentored sprints for diverse community members on the 4th of May 2019 during the main PyCon session in Cleveland, OH. You can apply to participate or become a mentor.
PYCON.ORG • Shared by Nina Zakharenko

Quick Intro to namedtuple

Python’s namedtuples are a great way to write more readable code, but, if you’ve never heard about them, here’s a quick summary.

Projects & Code

bullet: Interactive Bullet List Prompts in Your Python CLI

Check out the example screenshots, this looks great.

alkali: A Simple Python Database

Django-like ORM for working directly with data stored in JSON/YAML/CSV/etc. files.


Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #357.
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