Friday, February 1, 2019

Davy Wybiral: Nordic nRF52840-Dongle (2.4GHz RF Development Board)

Recently I've gotten into low-power RF technology and have become quite the fan of the nRF52 SoC for that reason. Of all the BLE-capable chips I've used so far these ones reign supreme in terms of functionality and ultra-low power consumption.

One of the more interesting boards I've seen powered by them is the nRF52840 dongle, directly from Nordic Semiconductor. It's tiny, well constructed, and supports a very nice set of specs:
  • 64 MHz Cortex-M4F
  • 1 MB Flash
  • 256 KB RAM
  • 2.4 GHz Transceiver (supports Bluetooth 5 with long range)

In this video I introduce the Nordic nRF SDK for programming these dongles:

from Planet Python
via read more

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