Sunday, January 13, 2019

codingdirectional: Remove audio from video with Python and FFmpeg

While I am busy tidying up the tkinter’s user interface I have included another feature into this ongoing video editing project The python program below will remove the audio from the video file with the help of the FFmpeg tool. We need FFmpeg tool to process the video file so if you have not yet installed FFmpeg tool on your computer then you can do so through this link.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
import os
import subprocess
import tkinter.ttk as tk

win = Tk() # Create instance
win.title("Manipulate Video") # Add a title
win.resizable(0, 0) # Disable resizing the GUI
win.configure(background='white') # change background color

#  Create a label
aLabel = Label(win, text="Select video size and video", anchor="center", padx=13, pady=10, relief=RAISED)
aLabel.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=W+E)

# Create a combo box
vid_size = StringVar() # create a string variable
preferSize = tk.Combobox(win, textvariable=vid_size) 
preferSize['values'] = (1920, 1280, 854, 640) # video width in pixels
preferSize.grid(column=0, row=1) # the position of combo box
preferSize.current(0) # select item one 

# Open a video file
def openVideo():
        fullfilename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="/", title="Select a file", filetypes=[("Video file", "*.mp4; *.avi ")]) # select a video file from the hard drive
        if(fullfilename != ''):
                scale_vid = preferSize.get() # retrieve value in the comno box
                new_size = str(scale_vid)
                dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(fullfilename))
                f = new_size  + '.mp4' # the new output file name/format
                f2 = f + '1.mp4' # animated gif
      ['ffmpeg', '-stream_loop', '2', '-i', fullfilename, '-vf', 'scale=' + new_size + ':-1', '-y', f]) # resize and loop the video with ffmpeg
      ['ffmpeg', '-i', fullfilename, '-vf', 'scale=' + new_size + ':-1', '-y', '-r', '24', f]) # resize and speed up the video with ffmpeg
      ['ffmpeg', '-i', fullfilename, '-vf', 'scale=' + new_size + ':-1', '-y', f]) # resize the video with ffmpeg
      ['ffmpeg', '-i', f, '-ss', '00:02:30', '-y', f2]) # create animated gif starting from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to the end
      ['ffmpeg', '-i', f, '-c', 'copy', '-y', '-an', f2]) # remove audio from the original video
action_vid = Button(win, text="Open Video", command=openVideo, padx=2)
action_vid.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E+W)


Not much has been changed from the previous program. In the previous article, I had talked about retrieving the duration of the video so we do not need to hard code the video starting time but today I had come out with a better idea but we will leave that idea for now and concentrate on tidy up the user interface first in the next article. Probably I will write another article on the user interface today so do visit this website again later on.

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Post a Comment Working with Static and Media Files in Django

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