Sunday, December 30, 2018

codingdirectional: Write python code to win the challenge

Sorry for not posting for a few days because I am so busy preparing the new game for release to major gaming sites which has finally completed yesterday. Now it is time to continue publishing more articles that are related to python and also articles that are related to other programming languages as well. If you like this website don’t forget to subscribe to it by clicking on the bell button below this post.

Today we will continue to look at another website which will help us to improve our python coding skill besides codewars, we will now move to edabit which also provides points reward for those people that have completed a coding challenge on its website. If you have not yet signed up for an account on edabit then just go ahead and do so!

After I have signed up for a free account on edabit it is time to solve a simple python problem to see what is the reward I will get. I clicked on the Challenges tab and then select a simple python challenge, this challenge requires the python program to return the sum of two numbers that have been passed into the addition function.

return the sum of two numbers

After I have solved the above mentioned problem, it is time to submit and see how many points I will get from it.

I get 5 XP from this answer

Let us solve another one, this time the python program will return true or false based on whether a number is less than or equal to zero or not.

Is that number smaller or equal to zero?

This time I get 15XP, the reward interface of this site makes me feel really satisfied, every time we have solved a problem with python the reward interface will pop up and shows those reward points in a manner just like those appears on the real game. Go ahead and try it by yourself, you will gain
confidence in your python programming skill after solving a few easy python problems from this site.

from Planet Python
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Post a Comment Working with Static and Media Files in Django

This article looks at how to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production. from Planet Python via read...