Tuesday, November 27, 2018

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #344 (Nov. 27, 2018)

MIT AI Interview With Guido van Rossum
A conversation as part of the MIT artificial intelligence podcast with Guido van Rossum. Worth watching in full! Also available as a downloadable audio-only version if you want to listen to the interview on the go.
MIT AI PODCAST • Shared by Ricky White video

By Welcoming Women, Python’s Founder Overcomes Closed Minds in Open Source
“Several years ago [Guido van Rossum] began tackling the diversity problem head-on, admitting in his keynote at PyCon 2015 in Montreal that there were no women among Python’s core developers, and that he was available to mentor women to fix that disparity.” I sat in the audience during that keynote and it’s great to see the progress that’s been made since 2015.
FORBES.COM • Shared by Ricky White

Use Your Python Skills to Practice Interviewing for the Job You Want (Practice for Free on Pramp)
Increase your chance of success: Practice your interview skills for data structures & algorithms, system design, data science, and behavioral interviews on Pramp, the world’s leading peer-to-peer mock interview platform. Pramp is 100% free. Schedule your first interview →

Token Authentication Using Django REST Framework
Learn how to implement token-based authentication using Django REST Framework (DRF). Token authentication works by exchanging username and password credentials for a random string token that will be used in all subsequent requests so to identify the user on the server side. Another great step-by-step tutorial by Vitor.

Continuous Integration With Python: An Introduction
Learn the core concepts behind Continuous Integration (CI) and why they are essential for modern software engineering teams. Find out how to how set up Continuous Integration for your Python project to automatically create environments, install dependencies, and run tests on a build server.

Tworoutines in Python (Post-Mortem)
Describes a style of coding in Python that permits easy mixing of synchronous and asynchronous code. At the core of it is a (decorator-based) synchronous wrapper around an asynchronous function, allowing a single piece of code to be called in either idiom. The catch is that this is discouraged by Python 3’s native async ecosystem, making this more of a post-mortem/retrospective article, rather than something you should start implementing in your own programs today. Still worth a read!

Django Project Governance: Core No More
There’s a draft proposal to drastically change the Django project’s governance structure. This article walks you through and explains what this proposal does and what problems it’s trying to solve.


Just Spent 2 Hours to Automate Joining CSV Files Saving Hundreds of Hours a Year
I love reading success stories like that. Sometimes it’s the little things and we should never underestimate the value and power that even “basic” programming skills can bring with them.

After 9 Months Since I Started Python, Finally Made My First Library

str() Takes an Optional Second Argument for Decoding Bytes
Check out the example.

The Difference Between LambdaType and FunctionType
Why does CPython use a different internal type to represent lambdas and regular functions?

Python Jobs

Software Engineer (m/f) (Munich, Germany)

Senior Software Engineer (m/f) (Munich, Germany)

Lead Engineer (m/f) (Munich, Germany)

Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack (Raleigh, NC)

Cybersecurity Firm Seeks Backend Lead (NY or LA)

Senior Software Engineer (Los Angeles, CA)

Senior Developer (Chicago, IL)

More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Truths Programmers Should Know About Case
Explains some of the common problems and misconceptions of handling case in Unicode text and gives suggestions for how to deal with them. Very interesting read—there be dragons! The author is the long-term maintainer of django-registration so you can trust that this is all based on in-the-trenches experience.

Memory Management in Python
Deep dive into the internals of Python to understand how it handles memory management. By the end of this article, you’ll know more about low-level computing, understand how Python abstracts lower-level operations, and find out about CPython’s internal memory management algorithms.

Managing Python Dependencies Course [20% off]
Get up to speed with Python dependency management quickly and go from writing scripts to building applications with this complete course. Discount expires in 48 hours →
DBADER.ORGcourse sponsor

How to Test Your Django App With Selenium and pytest
Learn enough Selenium and pytest to start testing a Django-based web page including a login form.

Python Function Argument Surprises
Argument binding rules in Python can be surprising and this article goes over some examples of the pitfalls you may encounter in your own code.

What to Do With Your Computer Science Career
Some short & sweet career advice: Working a “9-5” job vs becoming an entrepreneur? Will AI make human software developers redundant? (This is Guido’s first post on his personal blog since 2016.)
GUIDO VAN ROSSUM • Shared by Ricky White

Newbie Guide to Solving Django 'NoReverseMatch at' URL with arguments '()' Errors
How to solve one of the most common Django errors encountered by beginners.
PYTHONCIRCLE.COM • Shared by Anurag Rana

Reading/Writing CSV Files With Pandas
Learn how to work with comma separated (CSV) files in Python using Pandas. Includes an overview of how to use Pandas to load CSV data into dataframes and how to write dataframes out to CSV again.

Tracing Python Execution With Source Code Rewriting

Projects & Code

libconfig: Global Config Variables for Libraries
A Python library inspired by Pandas to manage global configuration variables in your own libraries.
JAUME BONET • Shared by Jaume Bonet

Trio: Pythonic Async I/O for Humans and Snake People
“The Trio project’s goal is to produce a production-quality, permissively licensed, async/await-native I/O library for Python. […] Compared to other libraries, Trio attempts to distinguish itself with an obsessive focus on usability and correctness.”

Dash: Analytical Web Apps for Python
A Python framework for building analytical web applications. Build on top of Plotly.js, React, and Flask, Dash ties modern UI elements like dropdowns, sliders, and graphs directly to your analytical Python code.

scriptedforms: Live-Update GUI Forms in Python
Quickly create live-update GUIs for Python packages using Markdown and simple HTML elements, based on Jupyter.

ptop 1.0: A Task Manager for Linux Based Systems Written Using Python

wemake-django-template: Django Code Template Focused on Code Quality and Security
A Django project structure scaffold just like django-admin.py startproject but with additional tools and convenience features already set up for you.

render-py: Basic Software 3D Renderer Written in Python


PyCascades 2019
February 23–24, 2019 in Seattle, WA

PyCon Namibia 2019
February 19–21, 2019 in Windhoek

PyTennessee 2019
Feb 9–10, 2019 in Nashville, TN

from Planet Python
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TestDriven.io: Working with Static and Media Files in Django

This article looks at how to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production. from Planet Python via read...