Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Matthew Rocklin: Anatomy of an OSS Institutional Visit

I recently visited the UK Meteorology Office, a moderately large organization that serves the weather and climate forecasting needs of the UK (and several other nations). I was there with other open source colleagues including Joe Hamman and Ryan May from open source projects like Dask, Xarray, JupyterHub, MetPy, Cartopy, and the broader Pangeo community.

This visit was like many other visits I’ve had over the years that are centered around showing open source tooling to large institutions, so I thought I’d write about it in hopes that it helps other people in this situation in the future.

My goals for these visits are the following:

  1. Teach the institution about software projects and approaches that may help them to have a more positive impact on the world
  2. Engage them in those software projects and hopefully spread around the maintenance and feature development burden a bit

Step 1: Meet allies on the ground

We were invited by early adopters within the institution, both within the UK Met Office’s Informatics Lab a research / incubation group within the broader organization, and the Analysis, Visualization, and Data group (AVD) who serve 500 analysts at the Met Office with their suite of open source tooling.

Both of these groups are forward thinking, already use and appreciate the tools that we were talking about, and hope to leverage our presence evangelize what they’ve already been saying throughout the company. They need outside experts to provide external validation within the company; that’s our job.

The goals for the early adopters are the following:

  1. Reinforce the message they’ve already been saying internally, that these tools and approaches can improve operations within the institution
  2. Discuss specific challenges that they’ve been having with the software directly with maintainers
  3. Design future approaches within their more forward thinking groups

So our visit was split between meeting a variety of groups within the institution (analysts, IT, …) and talking shop.

Step 2: Talk to IT

One of our first visits was a discussion with a cross-department team of people architecting a variety of data processing systems throughout the company. Joe Hamman and I gave a quick talk about Dask, XArray, and the Pangeo community. Because this was more of an IT-focused group I went first, answered the standard onslaught of IT-related questions about Dask, and established credibility. Then Joe took over and demonstrated the practical relevance of the approach from their users’ perspective.

We’ve done this tag-team approach a number of times and its always effective. Having a technical person speak to technical concerns while also having a scientist demonstrating organizational value seems to establish credibility across a wide range of people.

However it’s still important to tailor the message to the group at hand. IT-focused groups like this one are usually quite conservative about adding new technology, and they have a constant pressure of users asking them for things that will generally cause problems. We chose to start with low-level technical details because it lets them engage with the problem at a level that they can meaningfully test and assess the situation.

Step 3: Give a talk to a broader audience

Our early-adopter allies had also arranged a tech-talk with a wider audience across the office. This was part of a normal lecture series, so we had a large crowd, along with a video recording within the institution for future viewers. The audience this time was a combination of analysts (users of our software), some IT, and an executive or two.

Joe and I gave essentially the same talk, but this time we reversed the order, focusing first on the scientific objectives, and then following up with a more brief summary on how the software accomplishes this. A pretty constant message in this talk was …

other institutions like yours already do this and are seeing transformative change

We provided social proof by showing that lots of other popular projects and developer communities integrate with these tools, and that many large government organizations (peers to the UK Met Office) are already adopting these tools and seeing efficiency gains.

Our goals for this section are the following:

  1. Encourage the users within the audience to apply pressure to their management/IT to make it easier for them to integrate these tools to their everyday workflow

  2. Convince management that this is a good approach.

    This means two things for them:

    1. These methods are well established outside of the institution, and not just something that their engineers are presently enamored with
    2. These methods can enable transformative change within the organization

Step 4: Talk to many smaller groups

After we gave the talk to the larger audience we met with many smaller groups. These were groups that managed the HPC systems, were in charge of storing data on the cloud, ran periodic data processing pipelines, etc.. Doing this after the major talk is useful, because people arrive with a pretty good sense of what the software does, and how it might help them. Conversations then become more specific quickly.

Step 5: Engage with possible maintainers

During this process I had the good fortune to work with Peter Killick and Bill Little who had done a bit of work on Dask in the past and were interested in doing more. Before coming to the Met Office we found a bug that was of relevance to them, but also involved learning some more Dask skills. We worked on it off and on during the visit and it was great to get to know them better and hopefully they’re more likely to fix issues that arise in the future with more familiarity.

Step 6: Engage with other core developers

Between the visitors and our hosts we had several core developers present on related projects (XArray, Iris, Dask, Cartopy, Metpy, …). This was a good time not just for evangelism and growing the community, but also for making long-term plans about existing projects, identifying structural issues in the ecosystem, and identifying new projects to fix those issues.

There was good conversation around the future relationship between Xarray and Iris two similar packages that could play better together. We discussed current JupyterHub deployments both within the UK Met office, and without. Developers for the popular Cartopy library got together. A couple of us prototyped a very early stage unstructured mesh data structure.

These visits are one of the few times when a mostly distributed community gets together and can make in-person plans. Sitting down with a blank sheet of paper is a useful exercise that is still remarkably difficult to replicate remotely.

Step 7: Have a good time

It turns out that the Southwest corner of England is full of fine pubs, and even better walking. I’m thankful to Phil Elson and Jo Camp for hosting me over the weekend where we succeeded in chatting about things other than work.

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