Monday, August 8, 2016

Raspberry Pi 3 Tricks - Connecting USB

Raspberry PI with 32GB Sandisk USB Stick

One of the first use cases that I found after setting up my Raspberry PI was connecting my USB Sticks. Now in home I want to access my USB flash storage stick anytime and without any issue and Raspberry PI seems to be a great way of doing it. The short steps are give below:

1. For using any standard USB stick to Raspberry Pi's USB socket
2. install pmount on Raspberry Pi using sudo apt-get install pmount
3. Use sudo fdisk -l to find your USB drive, it may be /dev/sda1
4. Mount the USB to your OS using sudo pmount /dev/sda1 it shoud mount under /media/sda1
5. After you have verified the mount and used you can unmount the USB  sudo pumount /dev/sda1
Note: Before getting the USB stick out make sure to unmount the drive.

I tried loading a 1TB hard disk but I guess it will need its own dedicated power, will post it in another post.

Terminal Cast showing how to Mount USB

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